zondag 28 april 2013

Reasons to follow the frog

Reasons to follow the frog

The goal of this “follow the frog” is in the first place to increase the global conservations efforts and forging a path to a sustainable future for us all.
Watching the video, spreading the word and following the frog is something you can do to support the environment /sustainability in the first place.

Of course we need to have a proof that this liking and spreading the word helps effectively.

First of all we have pioneered comprehensive transformation in the agriculture and forestry industries by introducing rigorous sustainability standards to a growing number of farms and foresty operations, and establishing protected reserves around the world.

Second: Nearly 1 million workers and their families (4,7 million people) worket with the Rainforest Alliance’s and they have established a measurable, on-the-ground benefits.

-       workers receive decent wages and have the right to organize and collectively bargain
-       Safety standards and protection from pesticides and access to education and healthdare for workers in critcal curcumstances.
-       This programs have resulted in postive impacts on plant and animal biodiversity.

Rainforest Alliance had have positive impact on waterways and the flora and fauna they support. For exxample, the Rainforest Alliance Certified coffee farms in Colombia, scored significantly higher than noncertified farms on a stream health index.

Thirdly: foresty and tourism business who adopt the Rainforest Alliance’s sustainability methods see tangible economic and social benefits.

-       they have shown that economic performance improved alongside environmental and social performance;
-       tourism business increased their local sourcing and spread profit across their communities;
-       relations between forestry companies has been improved.

Julie Deweerdt

Link : http://rafrogblogus.wordpress.com/category/follow-the-frog-week/ +http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3iIkOi3srLo

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