maandag 29 april 2013

Deel 1 podcast

Three major advantages of Green Energy

Three major advantages of Green Energy

Green energy is all about taking care of the environment, reducing the negative impact. It can’t be classified under every form of energy that brings about a high level of pollution or things that make life uncomfortable for human beings.

More and more people are becoming knowledgeable about green energy because it is the most effective way to do something about the environment.

However, there are 3 advantages of green marketing you might want to know:

1.    Green it up : non polluting
Green energy doens’t cause pollution and it doesn’t contribute to global warming. If you want a good environment where there are very little sickness, then green energy is the perfect solution.
2.    Accessible
Green energy can be used in every city, country or nation. It can be used everywhere. Green energy can still be used to your advantage wherever you are. If you are in the United States of America or in The Sudan, you still can use it. It is very accessible.
3.    Long-lasting
Green energy is something that last much longer then any other form of energy. So with green energy it isn’t the case that it will begin to give you problems in the future. A good example of this is the solar energy. This sort of energy will last as long there is sun. It is an expensive form of energy but at the end your bills will be reduced enormously.

Julie Deweerdt - 2MA01
Link :

California city "goes green" with Chevron Energy Solutions

California city "goes green" with Chevron Energy Solutions

The city of Patterson has made an agreement with Chevron Energy Solutions. Their aim together is to improve the city’s sustainability, which include solar installations, energy efficiency programs and substantial energy cost reductions.

This collaboration has the intend to generate its own green, renewable electricity, reducing citywide energy costs, .. They will also make the neighborhoods safer by replacing streetlights with more efficient LED fixtures.

Because of this collaboration with Chevron Energy Solutions they are able to do some much more for the city. Like installing solar panels and provide renewable power. The idea of changing the streetlights are very efficient because these LED fixtures are also expected to save over $200,000 per year in electricity expense.

In addition, the city and Chevron Energy Solutions have made together a community-based energy-efficiency non-profit who is called WattzOn. Through free energy audits, the residents and business owners will be helped to identify free and low-costs ways to reduce their energy. This capacity project also includes building workforce capacity in cleantech and energy by training and hiring energy auditors from high school Patterson.

The purpose of this project and all the ideas to do, are general meant for households and businesses who are stimulating the local economy.
These sustainability initiatives has also been the result of attracting new businesses and jobs: example: Amazon (online retailer) selected Patterson as the site for the first northern California distribution center. It’s a state-of-art and has a one million square foot facility.

This partnership will help both of the cities. They will reach their sustainability goals and at the same time their economic development goals. It will also improve both their environment and the attractiveness of their business climate..

Chevron Energy Solutions is very proud to work together with Patterson. This association represents a positive example to all the people across the San Joaquin Valley, the state and throughout the country.

Julie Deweerdt - 2MA01

zondag 28 april 2013

School of sustainability

School of sustainability

The first sustainable school in the United States is the Arizona State University School of Sustainability. Their focus lays on finding real solutions to environmental, economic and social challenges.

This school offers undergraduate and graduate programs and minors also. Also doctoral and professiona leadership programs are offered.

The school is part of the Global Institute of Sustainability. This organisation is the brain for different kind of sustainable initiatives.
They mention in the article that they are treating the most critical challenges of our time and that the demand for our graduates are strong. The knowledge and solutions that students of this school have are excellent. Our life and these from the future generations, gets a new dimention of quality. They have the opportunity and an obligation to make our world more sustainable.

The biggest challenge or goal of these school/students are getting together and switch eachother their knowledge. If they do that they will be able to train a new generation of scholars who can develop practical solutions to some of the most pressing environmental and social challenges of sustainability.

They are searching for new students to come to their school so that they can find more knowledge to find solutions for different kind of environmental issues.

Julie Deweerdt - 2MA01


Reasons to follow the frog

Reasons to follow the frog

The goal of this “follow the frog” is in the first place to increase the global conservations efforts and forging a path to a sustainable future for us all.
Watching the video, spreading the word and following the frog is something you can do to support the environment /sustainability in the first place.

Of course we need to have a proof that this liking and spreading the word helps effectively.

First of all we have pioneered comprehensive transformation in the agriculture and forestry industries by introducing rigorous sustainability standards to a growing number of farms and foresty operations, and establishing protected reserves around the world.

Second: Nearly 1 million workers and their families (4,7 million people) worket with the Rainforest Alliance’s and they have established a measurable, on-the-ground benefits.

-       workers receive decent wages and have the right to organize and collectively bargain
-       Safety standards and protection from pesticides and access to education and healthdare for workers in critcal curcumstances.
-       This programs have resulted in postive impacts on plant and animal biodiversity.

Rainforest Alliance had have positive impact on waterways and the flora and fauna they support. For exxample, the Rainforest Alliance Certified coffee farms in Colombia, scored significantly higher than noncertified farms on a stream health index.

Thirdly: foresty and tourism business who adopt the Rainforest Alliance’s sustainability methods see tangible economic and social benefits.

-       they have shown that economic performance improved alongside environmental and social performance;
-       tourism business increased their local sourcing and spread profit across their communities;
-       relations between forestry companies has been improved.

Julie Deweerdt

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