donderdag 21 februari 2013

Coca Cola: Leader in responsible Marketing?

Coca Cola: Leader in responsible Marketing?

This piece is about Coca Cola, whether this company takes good actions to have a sustainable marketing. It’s a fact that they are the leader in soda, but are they also a leader in responsible marketing?

The Coca Cola Company says that they are, particularly if we look at the marketing in media that may be seen or heard by children under age 12. They are specifically not advertising to children younger than 12 and also not to children in general outside the presence of a parent or caregiver. Coca Cola has guidelines for advertising in schools. I’m not startled from reading this; in fact I found it very standard. Little children should be aware that this brand isn’t healthy. Children don’t understand how marketing works, so they should be protected from the hazardous marketing messages.

The Coca Cola Company really involves (almost) every aspect of sustainable marketing. They reckon with recycling, community, ingredients, manufacturing, packaging, distribution, refrigeration and last but definitely not least, the consumers and customers.

On their website, you can see what they are doing for the world to pollute as little as possible.
First of all, they really cherish water. It’s the main ingredient. Coca cola has a special interest in protecting the local water sources that sustain communities because the communities that host our bottling plants are also our consumer bases.
Secondly, they care about energy efficiency and climate protection. Coca Cola isn’t afraid to really show all the results how much gas emission was produced, this by showing charts.

Third and the fourth world aspect they take into account are the packaging and the agriculture.

As you can see they really figured everything out. Whether Coca Cola is really the best, the leader in responsible marketing or not, at least they put a lot of effort to accomplish the best for the environment, and that’s what counts!

Leylah Alliet 2MA01

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